Main Arena Winter Championships 2024
Kindly Sponsored by Leucillin Animal Skincare
Which classes qualify?
Main Arena (exc. Elite & Juniors)
British Dressage Arena (exc. DTM)
ROR Arena
Riding Club Arena
Riding School Arena
What can I win?
Champion Sash & Rosette
1x 500ml Leucillin
1x 60ml Leucillin (saddle bag size)
1x Leucillin Baseball Cap
1x HedgeHOG
1x Animal Therapy Magazine & Pen
1x 10% off Animal Therapy Magazine Voucher
E-Riders Winter Championships Softshell Jacket
Reserve Champion
Reserve Champion Rosette
1x 500ml Leucillin
1x HedgeHOG
1x Animal Therapy Magazine & Pen
1x 10% off Animal Therapy Magazine Voucher
E-Riders Winter Championships Polo Top
Reserve's Reserve Champion
Reserve's Reserve Champion Rosette
1x 500ml Leucillin
1x Animal Therapy Magazine & Pen
1x 10% off Animal Therapy Magazine Voucher
£15 E-Riders Winter Championships Merchandise Voucher
About the Sponsor

Leucillin, the most powerful, non-toxic, non-irritant antiseptic available. Pioneering UK Skincare Technology from Lyvlee, an innovative young company, passionate about our products and dedicated to our customers.
Leucillin is an anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal solution, that kills up to 99.99999% of germs. This reliable, innovative and affordable spray provides a powerful solution to combat a wide variety of pathogen.
About the Championships
BD Approved Tack only - no fluff, martingales, non BD bits etc
Arena must be 20m x 40m with markers in the correct place
You must film and submit a video for BOTH tests below (2 separate videos) both with the verbal introduction including "Main Arena Winter Championships 2024" your name, horses name and test ridden.
E-Riders Intro 1f (2022) & BD Intro 2 (2024)
E-Riders Prelim 2f (2022) & BD Prelim 2 (2024)
E-Riders Novice 3f (2022) & BD Novice 2 (2024)
E-Riders Elem 4f (2022) & BD Elementary 2 (2024)
E-Riders Medium 5f (2022) & BD Medium 2 (2024)
E-Riders Ad Med 6a (2020) & BD Ad Med 1 (2024)
Qualified Riders
Intro Restricted
Agnes cooper & Hollybush Romeo
Amelia Jane Carless & Midnight Harris
Andrew closs & Tess
Aniela Newton & Raya Rosie Red
Annette Lowe & Mystic Little Top Man
Becky Scourfield & Farley Water Siren
Bethany wood & Kenzie
Bronwen George-Jones & Ravenclaw Ruby
Bronwen Smyth & Harry Houston
Casey Jones & Distant Cruising
Catherine Blundell & Balhagarty Twinkle Toes
Chantel Pepperrell & Eternal bond
Claire Rebecca Allen & KAS WIZARD OF OZZ
Ellie Bowen & Whitesparke BB
Ellie Watkins & Bedazzled
Eloise Edwards & M.R.S. Bertie
Hazel Cunningham & Rosies Dream
Heaven Crossley & Chocolate Dungestive
Holly Turner & Calcott Pearl
Jane Baker & Baxter 11
Jeanette Wood & Spring Goldie
Jess Hall-Miller & RSPCA Lucky
Jo Street & Giovanni Tiepolo
Julia Susan Kynaston & Kira
karen buchanan & gaelic graciemae
Karen Dean & Zoro
Katherine Miller & Wee Gem
Katie MacDougall & Danny
Kay Willmott-Denbeigh & Melinithin Kira
Kerry Elvin & Cockney Villain
Lara-Jane Fuller & Iris Strawberry Fair
Laura Dupré & Rhydfendigaid Cadi Ddu
Lauren Olwen Martin & Bellevue Lad
Linda Kemp & Tanzanite Mist
Linda Smith & Mae
Louise Prettyman & Berti
Lucy Craddock & Monty
Maisie Roberts & Shropshire adventures lucky
Marita Fundingsrud-Andersen & Sirianns Tinka
Mary lindsay Buck & Magic molly
Maya Spichal & Lorelai
Michelle McMahon & Lord Ballim
Morna Lohoar & Mr Quinn
Mrs Marie Christine siddans & Dynamo
Nakita Donelan & Stanhopes Joplin
Nicola Mae Sales & Jasmine
Nina Townsend & Frankie
Rebecca Ponsford & Gwennos Simply Magic
Rosie Nafi & Secluded
Sarah MacQueen & Wee Gem
Sarah urquhart & Clyde
Sarah Walker & Merlin
Stephanie francis & Frankie
Tracy Caulfield & Schnapps Lady
Trinity Annis & Oakley
Vicky Spira & Flying Demon Danny
Vicky Spira & Sam
Vicky Spira & Jumpingdale Sandy
Intro Open
Alysia Phillips & CF Eragon
Amy Lovell & Worsenden Mermaid
Anneli Davidson & RS Felledge Amber
Ashleigh James & Starman
Elizabeth Soames & Travolta delta
Emily Hardman & Mr Mac Star
Emma Cooper & Its All About Alfie
Hannah Hughes & Loughwell Lad
Holly Riley & Houdini
Joanne Dunlop & Kwinn
Lauren Fardoe & Teeboons Blossoms
Linda Pool & Blaengwen Rhianna
Rebecca James & Ayla
Rhiannon Meaden & Aisha
Sarah Laidler & PFS Raglan Road
Sue Winning & Cregglough Euro
Tamara Greatrix & Bomboy Grey
Tanya French & Dearne Valley St George
Prelim Restricted
Abbie Harvey & Elmsbury Amethyst
Ali White & Sambuca M
alia cooper & Cobblers duchess
Alison Jones & Mr Brightside II
Anita Marsh & Ridgebow Radnore
Anne Kahts & Scotts Honor
Anneli Davidson & RS Felledge Amber
Becky Plumb & Billy Confessor
Bethany wood & Django
Cat Derrick & Corrib Primrose II
Charlotte Brett & Birchcol Show Em All
Clare Lomas & Rosehall Mr Nixon
Debbie Downey & Cheshire fells Black beauty
Denise Allen & Spot The Difference
Denise Slater & Joey
Faye-Louise Paton & Sir william
Gill Spells & Blue
Hannah Hughes & Loughwell Lad
Ilona Warner & Ico
Jade Ransley & Mustashry
Jayne Spencer & Beckhouse Star
Jennie Titterton & Bobbys Dee
Jilly Pemberton & Sam Socks
Jo Jeynes & Fashion House
Joanne evans & Loveable Rogue
Julie Amanda Tuck & Oscar
Kate Sheridan & LAGANS OBOS LEON
Lee-anne Bower & Back for Tea
Lily-beau Dinsley & Cashel Rose
Lindsey Flett & Sunshine
Lucie Edmonds & Rocky
Lyndsay Yuille & Uilleam Mor of Whitefield
Maria Mannio & Theresa’s Boy 2nd
Maya Spichal & Lorelai
Megan Downes & Algorithmic
Melissa Woodhead & Murthwaite Baywatch
Patti Squires & Split Decision
Paula Murray & Fairgate Robin
Pauline Sandland & Hynholme Gladiator
Rachel Courts & Shalimarne Summer Breeze
Samantha Welch & Milestones Beau Diddley
Sarah Limbrick & Kir Royal 11
Sharon Nunn & Erne Valley Dana
Stacey Knowles & Euronini
Stephanie Wood & Alaskablue
Tegan Campbell & Battlestown Jewel
Vanessa Glover & Rockmount Darius
Wendy Hodgson & Eddie
Prelim Open
Amelia Ward & Thorneynewside Sugar-Ray
Angie Colleran & C'est Gamine van de Sneppe
Becky Mentesh & Ferrari
Becky Scourfield & Honey Potts Bee
Chloe Hulme & Penralltgoch Ladi Ddu
Emily Jane Peck & Peter’s Portrait
Emma Ashton & Indigo Nightcap
Emma Bown & Joy-Zelma
Hollie Webster & Mistrals Vega Astraea
Jackie Abbott & Zingiber
Julie mills & Tiggi
Laura Fowler & Veronica Bunnie
Leah Tolley & Solaris Hasckia
Leanne Raffel & Eros V
Lisa Evans & Brohedydd Royal Flyer
Maria Appleby & Denver VH
Rosie Jeffery & R J Lucky
Sarah Carlisle & Houdini
Sue Sharpe & Micky Finn
Talitha Schilder & Frida
Zara Flinders & Rolo
Novice Restricted
Alison Cartwright & Illusion
Alyson Howell & Furnival Berwynne
Ann Sidwell & Holandes Mon
Cheryl Perot & Happa Eclipse
Christine Skeet & Laser Lad
Holly Roberts & Captain Tee Gee
Ilona Warner & Ico
Jodie Thackeray & Maesmand teg wen
Justine Trumper & Morrigan Donal
Karin Springer-Tolhuis & Domenic
Katie MacDougall & Django
Leah Tolley & Solaris Givennchy
Leah Tolley & Solaris Hasckia
Lisa North & Celebresto
Liz Newton & Lucky Country Treks
Lynn Carter & Abbeyvale Golden Rose
Madeline Taig & Bruno Coch
Maria Appleby & Denver VH
Michelle Andrews & Clonwhyte Willow
Monique Klaui & Domenic
Natalie Brougham & Abbotswood Peaky Blinder
Nicky Hayes & Mr Mac Star
Nicola Sloper & Cacique GC
Penny Arundel & Mr Darcy 2nd
Sandra Morton & Haighmore Johnny
Sara Green & Dillon
Sarah Hallows & Newferry Irish mist
Sian Brown & Baringa
Susan Mattick & Mosscarr Stratford
Tegan Campbell & Battlestown Jewel
Tracey Taylor & Killossery Dynamo
Novice Open
Charlotte Richards & D'Arpeggio
Chloe Hulme & Penralltgoch Ladi Ddu
Debbie Weymouth & Queen's Carousel
Hollie Webster & Mistrals Vega Astraea
Jade Redfern & Parkfield vicarage vee
Joanna Shennan & Walnut
Joanne Bingham & Howdy Dudey
Lisa Milestone & RS Felledge Blue
Sue Lowther & Chiddock Minute Maid
Elementary Open
Aniela Newton & Allegro
Bryony Dawn & Shadow
Charlotte Richards & D'Arpeggio
Clare Cowe & Apple Cross
Danielle Bruton & Shere Spirit
Debbie Dyke & The Trojan
Emma Walker & Cappy Brown
Heidi Carr & Dalesman of Combebank
Helen Murphy & M
Liz Scourfield & Steppers Queeny
Michelle Dawson & Dawnie
Nic Davison & Shades of Grey
Odele Dunn & Truly Debonnaire
Rianne Fulton & Sunset Mojito
Sarah Gibbs & Henrys Air
Medium / Advanced Medium
Inga Johansen Jones & Camiro 11
Jill Monnox & Floris-son
Natalie Akers & Grannoushka