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Make an Entry

This is the page where you can enter a class. You will need to have registered an account and be logged in before you can enter.

Scroll all the way down to enter the Highest Placed awards - please not you will have to select the horse and rider for the HPA awards in the "Apply your Highest Placed Entry" page to complete your entry.

You need to be logged in

to your account to enter!


You have entry credits on your account, so you can enter a class for free!


We're really sorry, but you've run into an authentication error. To continue, you'll need to re-enter your login details. 

You'll be automatically redirected to the login page shortly, or you can click the button below.


Winter Championship

Have you already qualified for the Winter Championships?! Enter here!


Main Arena

These classes are for anyone, though be sure to check the rules to find the right section for you and your horse! This arena uses the E-Riders tests.

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British Dressage

These classes use the official BD tests, though you don't need to be a BD member to enter.

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Ex Racehorse

These classes use the official BD tests and are for Ex-Racehorses.

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These classes use the E-Riders test and are open to veteran horses.

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Riding Club

These classes use the E-Riders tests and are open to members of any riding club.

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Riding School

These classes use the E-Riders tests and are open to members of any riding school.


Pony Club

These classes use the Pony Club tests and are open to members of any Pony Club.

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These classes use the official British Eventing tests, though you do not have to be a BE member to enter


Fun Classes

Enter these classes for a bit of fun!

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Any Tack

These classes are just for fun!

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Friesian League - UKFHS

Add on as many HPA entries to your tests! Your highest score from all tests will be used for the leaderboard!

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Highest Placed Awards

Add on as many HPA entries to your tests! Your highest score from all tests will be used for the leaderboard!

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Team Tournament

Fancy competing as a team? Then enter a tournament!


Kidz Dressage

Fun classes for the kids to get started with!

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Equi-Fun Club

Open to members & non-members

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Mid-Month Training Tests

Open to all, Online only, these classes are for training purposes only and not rosettes/prizes etc

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RAF Equine Leagues

Open to RAF 

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Test & Train

Complete your test - have it marked and receive training feedback - then record again!

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Equestrian Mums Club

Post-partum?  This class is for you!

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Summer Team Bonanza

Got your Team together? Enter here!

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BRC Christmas Cracker

Open to British Riding Club Members


Epsom RDA Arena

Open to Epsom RDA Riders


Arena 10 - change as necessary

Add the text here like: Fancy competing as a team? Then enter a tournament!

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